mardi 16 février 2010

you can count on the oldies.

yes. this was taken from Jeze' but it's just too good. 
Double impotence entendre? 

mercredi 10 février 2010

back in action?

I fucked the dog for awhile there, sorry.

You all know this expression, I assume? I didn't. I figured it was one of those random Quebec things where you just don't ask why tsé? But I'm back, & I'm busy, but I didn't forget about the manstream or feminism since taking up the oath of paper, I swear.

I really do like "new" technology as much as the next guy, even if I have to defend my lack of cell phone on a regular basis. So I'm going to make a concerted effort to blog more and hopefully some time diversifyin' with Artistic Things (where I swiped this lovely graphic, btw) will help me keep current here, too. 

But outside of cyberspace, here's what I've been up to for the last couple of weeks:

Good art at a good place 

- Lots of Canadian press. Go student jobs? 

- & this interview made me want to do a wing-stretching ceremony. holy shit.